Auto Accident Injury FAQs

Answering FAQs About Auto Accident Injuries

Car accidents can cause several debilitating conditions or injuries that significantly impact your day-to-day life. If you recently suffered an auto accident and are experiencing pain or discomfort, you likely have questions about your condition and how to treat it. Our chiropractor near you at Revitalize Care of Central Florida in Orlando, FL, is here to answer frequently asked questions about auto accident injuries and how chiropractic care and physical therapy can help.

Auto Accident Injury FAQs

What Are Some Common Auto Accident Injuries?

Car crashes are capable of causing numerous injuries. Whiplash is among the most common auto accident injuries that people experience. This condition results from the rapid forward and backward movement of the head and neck in a rear-end accident, causing significant pain and stiffness. You can also suffer herniated discs and fractures due to an auto accident. Seeking prompt treatment from your chiropractor near you is crucial for preventing these injuries from becoming chronic problems.

What Are the Lingering Effects of Auto Accident Injuries?

The pain associated with your auto accident injury may dissipate relatively quickly, but other symptoms may linger. One notable symptom that often remains well after the accident is limited mobility. You may have difficulty moving your joints after a car accident. Untreated conditions can also lead to chronic pain and discomfort. Physical therapy can help improve your range of motion and restore flexibility to pre-accident levels.

How Long Does It Take to Recover From an Auto Accident?

Expected recovery times for auto accident victims vary based on their injuries. For example, injury treatment for whiplash can result in quick recovery. However, broken bones and torn ligaments will take more time to heal. Consult with your chiropractor to understand the timetable for your expected recovery.

Is Chiropractic Care Effective for Auto Accident Injuries?

Chiropractic care excels at addressing auto accident injuries. Our chiropractor will determine the underlying cause of your injury and create a customized treatment plan to alleviate pain and restore your range of motion. Chiropractic adjustments correct misalignments in the spine and surrounding joints to reduce pain and improve mobility. Therapies like massage and muscle stimulation ease muscle tension and promote healing. Your chiropractor may also recommend therapeutic stretches and exercises to strengthen your body and prevent future pain or injury.

Get Effective Auto Injury Treatment Today at Revitalize Care of Central Florida

Prompt treatment from a chiropractor near you after a car accident is crucial for preventing your injury from becoming a chronic condition. Revitalize Care of Central Florida in Orlando, FL, can provide effective injury treatment and physical therapy to help you feel like yourself again, so call us and schedule a consultation at (407) 674-8066 to experience improved mobility today.


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